PKRA Belgie 1ste update - Reisverslag uit Knokke-Heist, België van katja - PKRA Belgie 1ste update - Reisverslag uit Knokke-Heist, België van katja -

PKRA Belgie 1ste update

Door: Katja

Blijf op de hoogte en volg

25 Mei 2006 | België, Knokke-Heist

sorry luitjes, geen tijd voor een dubbele update, maar jullie kunnen alles lezen op mn nieuwe site. Ook daar kunnen jullie berichtjes achterlaten, harstikke leuk! Dus wie gaat de eerste plaatsen...

The kite world cup started in Knokke yesterday. Really nice to meet all the other competitors again! It has been a long time ago since I saw them. In the morning they did the drawing. I am very unlucky this time, because I am in the most difficult heat against Ania Grzelinska, number 2 of last year. But well, I just have to ride at my best!
The wind is a little offshore, which makes the wind really gusty. So they waited with the start of the competition. In the afternoon, suddenly the wind picked up and was holing... They measured 8-9 beaufort! It was crazy. I helped Randy to go on the water. He hardly could hold his smalest kite! But he had a very good heat and passed to the next round. Unfortunately they afterwards stopped the comp because of too much wind. The rain started to pour down and everybody ran to the tents. The event is over for today.
I stay with my parents at the camping close to the eventsite. Really cozy. The only surprise we had in the early morning was a flodded tent in front of the caravan... It rained all night and the water of the road form a river into our tent. Luckily for me I decided to sleep in the caravan, so no problems.
This morning I was aerly on the beach to pump my kites. My dad was so kind to help me. The sun starts to shine, so my kites can dry a little. But the wind drops and it doesn't seem to pick up today. I have a little try with my 15 reactor, but it's not much. Just fun to play a little, because I get a bit borred of waiting all day.
Well, tomorrow it seems to be good with a strong westerly wind. Skippersmeeting is at 10. My first possible start will be at 11.10 I guess. Now I'm going to have a nice pasta cooked by my mum, so I'm sure I'll be top fit tomorrow!

  • 25 Mei 2006 - 17:23


    Ja GVD, ik een lulverhaal typen op die site van je, vraagt tie weer om in te loggen enzo natuurlijk. Te veel moeite haha, korte samenvatting:

    Ik denk wel effe terug over hoe die winddans ook alweer ging ;)
    Succes nog!


  • 26 Mei 2006 - 08:15


    Morgen komen we richting Knokke hoor! Hoop dat er wind is en een zonnetje, maar anders wordt het vast ook gezellig! kus

  • 26 Mei 2006 - 17:33


    Hee Wen,

    Als je anoniem aanklikt, hoef je niet in te loggen!

    X Saar

  • 27 Mei 2006 - 13:49


    Weer wat geleerd...

  • 29 Mei 2006 - 13:52


    dan maar eens op de nieuwe site kijken he, spannend!

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