7de!!!! - Reisverslag uit Knokke-Heist, België van katja - WaarBenJij.nu 7de!!!! - Reisverslag uit Knokke-Heist, België van katja - WaarBenJij.nu


Door: Katja

Blijf op de hoogte en volg

29 Mei 2006 | België, Knokke-Heist

hi hi,

nou ik heb mn site weer geupdate hoo (www.protestboardwear.com/blogs/katja). Daar staat het heleverhaal van de wedstrijd op. En natuurlijk een foto van mijn fanclub ophet strand, jeeeeh. Was echt zooo gaaf om tijdens het varen van je wedstrijd bij elke sprong dat juichen van die meiden te horen. Voor de mensen die het niet weten, 7 vriendinnetjes zijn afgereisd naar Knokke (heist, hahaha) om mij aan te moedigen bij de wedstrijd. Helaas werd er weinig gevaren, maar ze hebben toch 1 heat kunne zien. Aan de kant stonden ze met zn allen te juichen en ophet water hoor je dat heel goed. Dus dat was zoooo gaaf. Thanx girls!

Nu ben ik weer heel even in Nederland. Morgen tot en met vrijdag heb ik een business course van KPN. ik ben benieuwd wat mij te wachten staat. Zaterdag heb ik dan net ff tijd om mijn tas in te pakken naar Barbados!! jajaja, lekker naa de zon. Heb ik echt zooo'n zin in!

Maa goed, ik zal jullie op de hoogte houden. Jammer dat die andere site geen melder heeft zoals deze site. Dus daar moet je zelf maar regelmatig op kijken als je wilt.

Ciao kat

Woeshhh, we had so much wind the last days of competition. Almost every time the day started with a lot of rain and ended with a lot of wind too. Thuesday afternoon the guys started with the first four heats. But the wind was too strong, so they stopped the competition.
Friday it looked bad and rainy in the morning, but in the afternoon the wind picked up. My dad was a real support! He helped my pumping my kites and coached me just before the heats. Thanx dad!
I went out with my six flow, but even with my smallest kite I as overpowered in the gusts. The conditions were so hard! Luckily I am used to these Dutch kind of conditions, so I had a lot of fun in my heat against Ania Grzelinska. It was really hard to unhook, so all the girls did a lot of hooked in stuff. I went for some skyhigh jumps and even a kiteloop. Almost killed myself, hahaha. At the beach I found out that it was a very very close heat with a 2 against 1 decision. Unfortunately I just lost, but it was good to hear that it was close...
They finished the fist elimination. The wind stayed strong, 7 to 8 beaufort, so the competition went on. had to battle against Jo, my friend from the Protest international team. She had a strong heat with an unhooked downloop. I also did really well and had some powered unhooked s-bends both sides and some high jumps with a kiteloop. I even did an old-school-trick... the deadman! So much fun to pull out some of those tricks again. Finally it was me who went to the next round. I was so happy with that! Ofcourse it is hard to kick out a friend, but on the other site I really wanted to win.

Saturday my friends from the Netherlands came to watch. Saar, Bool, Inge, Eva, Marcia, Leo and Diana all came to watch me and support me. Unfortunatly the weather was bad again with a very light wind. I was in the first heat against Pauline Boussard from France. I went out with my 12 but I was a bit underpowered and struggled to stay upwind. But the yelling and cheering of the girls on the beach every time I did a jump, really motivated me. Thanx girls! So I won my heat and went to the next heat against another Frence girl, Podvin.
The wind dropped, so we waited all day. Every half hour there was a next announcement and every time they postponed the heats. All they in a wet wetsuit, brrrr.
At the end of the day the wind suddenly picked. Everybody ran outside to get the small kites. I went out with my 8, but it was way too much! The whole heat I had problems to keep my kite under controle, but still I could do a lot of tricks and even some unhooked ones. I was convinced that I won this heat. When I heard that I lost the heat I was really disappointed. The heatjudge showed me the sheets and again it was a 2 to 1 decision. Close again, but not good enough.
So finnaly I ended up at the 7th place! And I am very happy with that! Overall it was a long wet week with a lot of waiting and hanging around, but also a week with a nice result!


  • 29 Mei 2006 - 17:05


    Ik vind het knap: Gefeliciteerd!

  • 29 Mei 2006 - 19:44


    Ik vond het super om je nu eens in het echt bezig te zien! Ik was er met veel plezier!!! KUzz Mars

  • 30 Mei 2006 - 13:33


    He Kat,
    Gefeliciteerd met je 7e plek! Heel veel plezier in Barbedos, enne, Business course van KPN klinkt goed!
    Liefs Annette

  • 31 Mei 2006 - 17:01


    Hey Kat!
    Gefeliciteerd Girl!!! Goed hoor! En super tof dat die meiden er waren!
    Kus, Deboor

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